A piercing blade cutting through the lucky atmosphere of our incredible planet
A staggering of multi-level housing eventually imploding releasing energy like a super-nova
Spectral light leaking from the shadows, dominated by the brightness of the metallic exoskeleton creating a marvellous balletic movement
More interesting in form than design, a rich entanglement of height and weight with its inherent materials
Bourke Street, Melbourne. Overpowering somberness cascading down onto the street below.
So much colour infused in the afternoon sun, reflections and shadows combining to create unworldy colorations with its materials
The building itself forms the chest cavity exposing the lungs of the architect who bleeds for his work
Structured with its exo-skeleton protecting the delicate and beating order of the life within, the heart of the architecture remains visible but not exposed
Camberwell Junction boasts an incredible lair of a majestic bird, head held proudly high, shoulders supporting folded wings, brooding on the little chicks all wrapped up in their shells of domesticity and business
Blue skies and reflections create the almost cloak of invisibility across this delicate puzzle, slightly revealing a subcutaneous layer of its life pulse
The shine exaggerates the electric air inside the Colosseum of pen-pushing, keyboard-striking workers within, sporting with ideas and thoughts, creating new inventions and intentions
A pyramid of brilliant colouring, where metals collide creating hues of great energy
Such a busy place, such an excitement of forms and features, Old maybe but all too new
Protection - of not an expanse but of an ideal: spectral dynamics bouncing off its shield, shedding some pain and blood but containing the peace and quiet within
Empirical, lauding over the entire neighbourhood, a collision of materials and shapes
Majestic materials combine into brilliant colour combinations needing not one visit but another as well
Time and place shifted on the spin of our axis reveal the ancient charms of this well established ma'm - a combination of sandstone and angels
6 million rivets and 53 million tons of steel and squillions of tonnes of local sandstone hidden within the jigsaw of thia almighty bridge
Home of Sport, a cathedral, an arena, a monument to the ideals of contest, so much detail, so little time to worship the building itself
Urban mangle of our iconic Park of Fun, where fun collides with tourists, sun and fun seekers, hangovers and the people
Urban tangle, urban mangle
The indulgence of the light of night upon the textures of the now famous City Square of Melbourne
Stylish office enhanced with a selection of images from the Urban Mangle series
A piercing blade cutting through the lucky atmosphere of our incredible planet
A staggering of multi-level housing eventually imploding releasing energy like a super-nova
Spectral light leaking from the shadows, dominated by the brightness of the metallic exoskeleton creating a marvellous balletic movement
More interesting in form than design, a rich entanglement of height and weight with its inherent materials
Bourke Street, Melbourne. Overpowering somberness cascading down onto the street below.
So much colour infused in the afternoon sun, reflections and shadows combining to create unworldy colorations with its materials
The building itself forms the chest cavity exposing the lungs of the architect who bleeds for his work
Structured with its exo-skeleton protecting the delicate and beating order of the life within, the heart of the architecture remains visible but not exposed
Camberwell Junction boasts an incredible lair of a majestic bird, head held proudly high, shoulders supporting folded wings, brooding on the little chicks all wrapped up in their shells of domesticity and business
Blue skies and reflections create the almost cloak of invisibility across this delicate puzzle, slightly revealing a subcutaneous layer of its life pulse
The shine exaggerates the electric air inside the Colosseum of pen-pushing, keyboard-striking workers within, sporting with ideas and thoughts, creating new inventions and intentions
A pyramid of brilliant colouring, where metals collide creating hues of great energy
Such a busy place, such an excitement of forms and features, Old maybe but all too new
Protection - of not an expanse but of an ideal: spectral dynamics bouncing off its shield, shedding some pain and blood but containing the peace and quiet within
Empirical, lauding over the entire neighbourhood, a collision of materials and shapes
Majestic materials combine into brilliant colour combinations needing not one visit but another as well
Time and place shifted on the spin of our axis reveal the ancient charms of this well established ma'm - a combination of sandstone and angels
6 million rivets and 53 million tons of steel and squillions of tonnes of local sandstone hidden within the jigsaw of thia almighty bridge
Home of Sport, a cathedral, an arena, a monument to the ideals of contest, so much detail, so little time to worship the building itself
Urban mangle of our iconic Park of Fun, where fun collides with tourists, sun and fun seekers, hangovers and the people
Urban tangle, urban mangle
The indulgence of the light of night upon the textures of the now famous City Square of Melbourne
Stylish office enhanced with a selection of images from the Urban Mangle series